How to cast real love spells

 Many real love spells require special ingredients and this spell is not an exception. To cast it, you need some honeycomb (filled with honey), 12 candles, a photo of the target, your photo, red wool yarn, a silver knife, and a silver tray.

This spell is cast on a Thursday evening when it’s a waxing moon. Wipe the table thoroughly. If it has any drawers, empty them out and wipe them too. Put the silver tray on the table and put all 12 candles on the opposite end of the table. Put them in a semicircle order for you to have free access to the middle of the tray.

“I (your name) will put a love spell on you (the target’s name). Don’t you (the target’s name) dare to run away from me, don’t you (the target’s name) dare to hide from me, don’t you (the target’s name) dare to go against my will.”

You should repeat the spell 12 times in total.

Now start moving the honeycomb above the candles for the honey to melt and start dripping. Drip some honey over the target’s photo (the photo should be covered with it). Draw a cross on the honey with the silver knife and then draw a circle around the photo three times saying:

“I’m cutting you (the target’s name) off from your old bonds. I’m cutting you (the target’s name) off from your old habits. I’m cutting you (the target’s name) off from your unwillingness to love me.”

Now take your photo and put it over the target’s photo (face down).

Now start putting out the candles with your fingers repeating:

“When the candle is put out, the spell will take effect. It’ll be strong and lasting and no magic practitioner or spirit will be able to remove it from you (the target’s name). It’ll be in my power to let you go when my love for you is gone.”

Carefully bring the tray with the candles into another room which can be locked up and which you won’t enter for a month. Yes, if you want this love spell to work, lock the door and don’t open it for 30 days. The spell will take effect in about a week reaching full force by the end of the month. In 30 days wrap the tray with the candles in thick paper, wind it around with red threads, and put it away. You may need it later if you decide to break this love spell. In this case light the candles again and let them burn all the way down. While the candles are burning, repeat:

“I (your name) am letting you (the target’s name) go and I’m no longer asking for your love, attention or loyalty. You’re free now.”

I, spellcaster Maxim, know many readers will find this spell too complicated. But believe me, there are far more complicated spells of magic love which are cast for days and require pricey ingredients.


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